Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama Bin Laden Alive!!

I know people would be thinking what on earth am I talking about. Well this is what I believe seeing whats happening around.
Facts to be noted related to the so told Osama's death.
1. Sadam Hussain was a most wanted man like Osama. But he was captured brough to trial and every detail was given to the public with Live Videos too. But in this case the public was informed that he is dead in an encounter. There are no pictures, no videos and no body of his to be shown too. They buried him in 2 hours since his death.
2. There must have been a fight and they must have causght or killed someone thinking it was Osama but at last after they came to know its someone else, they must have just spread rumours.
3 Obama is not been approved by the Americans for his deeds, so his tactic to get the approval of all Americans and to get their votes for the upcomming elections
4 If Obama was killed why is that there is no assurance till now from the pakistan government about the attack as they too were involved in the encounter
5 There was a helicopter crash that had happened in the same place during the encounter. The US government has not spoken anything about this till now.
6. Is the US inteligence so weak that takes them 10 years to figure out he was staying in pakistan in public.
7.US does not know where he is, and needs to know where he is and needs to confirm if he is alive. Spreading such a news would create responses from him if alive.
There are lot many reasons why one cant believe that he is dead. If he is dead then it would be a relief to all mankind. But if he is not dead then it would be a great act of terror that is yet to come.

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